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Stress Less: What's Truly Weighing You Down?

Updated: May 6, 2021

I read a quote today:

What you allow is what will continue…

I confess, I am a work in progress in this area. I also notice it’s a common theme among my clients. We may not have control over the happenings in the political or geo physical arenas, but there certainly is one we can control if we are willing to take a risk and face it. That’s at the personal level.

It could be something that needs to change in a relationship – perhaps one of you is putting forth all the effort and it feels one-sided. Perhaps you feel disrespected by another because of their dishonesty or lack of loyalty. Whether they are close to you are not, is this creating doubt about yourself and causing you to constantly compare yourself to others?

Or, maybe what you are allowing to continue is a lack of action which will move you forward with your health and wellness. Does this sound familiar? You know you should give up drinking soda pop but you continue to drink one after another day after day. Or you’re feeling lonely, angry or rejected and you try and comfort yourself with less than healthy food. And the sad thing is, it doesn’t really comfort you because the true hurting, the true hunger… is inside you.

What would it feel like to no longer allow other people, situations, excuses, or self-sabotaging behaviors to hold you back? Imagine this week, this upcoming week being different. What would it take? An honest discussion with someone, a decision finally made, a self-intervention, time away to think and explore new ideas? Or is it as simple as a change of mindset? Explore what you will not allow. Consider things you do not want to continue. Where is your limit? Where will you draw your line in the sand? Got it? Ready to no longer allow IT to continue?

You’re only one step away. Dare to take a Journey, right now, for positive change in your life.

Be kind to yourself and others and STRESS LESS!

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